
The Best Loan Options to Finance Your Real Estate Investments

There are a lot of ways and reasons to invest in the real estate market. This can be because of the hedge against the market’s volatility when the stocks tumble. Or because there are a lot of perks that come with owning investment properties.

Whether you want to buy and hold land for development in the future, purchase properties for elderly parents to live in, or invest in apartments to rent out, real estate is a perfect way to diversify your investment portfolio.

Unlike stock investment, which is done for little money, real estate investment has a high startup cost in general. Once you determine the right investment, it would be best to know how to secure funding.

Financing options may have several forms, which have specific criteria that borrowers should follow and meet. Some of the financing options include:

Private Money Loans

Most real estate investment firms use private money loans that come from very wealthy investors who operate and fund those companies.

You may get wealthy investors who are constantly searching for better ways to invest their cash and make some profit. Normally, there are a lot of benefits that come with getting private loans due to fewer formalities needs.

Credit Union Loans

Although the majority of funding loans made by most credit unions are customer loans, some of them in Texas offer mortgages for both non-residential and residential funding.

On top of permanent loans, every reliable Texas credit union makes home improvement funding available to borrowers. Others work with mortgage brokers in relocating real estate investments.

  1. Portfolio Loans

Individuals having a hard time meeting some strict requirements, which go hand in hand with conventional loans, can choose to turn to portfolio lenders. Anyone without acceptable credit ratings and is looking to purchase a real estate property that doesn’t fit into the categorical norms can well as consider this option.

Usually, portfolio loans are mortgage funding held in the portfolio of a bank. They don’t necessarily need to comply with underwriting guidelines set by secondary investors.

Portfolio lenders can be flexible when it comes to the terms of portfolio loans. Though they charge more interest rates.


Before, real estate investment was meant for individuals with deeper pockets. Today, crowdfunding has become a perfect way for real estate investors to diversify portfolios at a low cost.

Instead of searching and restoring real estate properties on their own, you, as an investor, will browse several crowdfunding platforms to choose from the list of investment projects they can take part in.

Commercial Loans

Although most of the aforementioned options concentrate majorly on the residential side of financing, the commercial world of lending can be a suitable option to fund your investment.

Commercial loans can be what you need if you plan to buy properties other than a four-unit home. But commercial loans have slightly higher interest fees and rates, not to mention different qualifying standards.

Closing Remarks!

The best thing about real estate investment is that it is open to every individual. It is not a must you have a good credit score or millions in your bank. With many funding options, like credit union loans and private money, you can easily start making investments.